Junior | Open | Master


TRIAL DATES: T1 26/27 Feb 2022 | T2 9/10 Apr 2022 | T3 14/15 May 2022

SSA and WP mandatory membership: register at www.surfingsouthafrica.co.za and pay R300 to SSA – it covers both SSA and WP annual membership

Login to https://liveheats.com/events/7358
Select FIND EVENT on the top right of the window+Type WESTERN PROVINCE SURFING under organisation name
Select WP Surfing JNR OPEN MASTERS Trial #1 and complete the registration form


R500 Entry Fee covers all 3 trials (if you surf 1, 2 or 3 Trials)
First National Bank Fish Hoek | Branch code: 202309 | Account number: 50210861429
Please use your name as the reference when depositing money into the account
Please email the proof of payment to wpsurfing@gmail.com

TEAM SELECTION: Vic Bay Quad and Junior | Open | Masters SA Champs

There are 3 trials in total. The best 2 out of 3 trial results count.
The 3rd trial final result will be used for a tie breaker if you are equal after 2 trials
The 3rd trial highest heat score will be used for a tie breaker if you are equal after the 3rd trial final result

WP TEAM SIZE:  Vic Bay Quad and Junior | Open | Masters SA Champs TBC

CONTEST DATES: please view www.surfingsouthafrica.co.za calendar Vic Bay Quad and Junior | Open | Masters SA Champs latest dates
CONTEST ENTRY FEE: Vic Bay Quad and SA Champs TBC